So Gauche

For my track called Gauche (left/clumsy), I used a horribly chopped samples of me playing random stuff on the piano.I also have a ‘bad’ sample of me on a trail by the creek and I was sniffing a bit because it was colder(note: I self deprecate as a defense mechanism). Anyway, I re sequenced most of my piano work and did a lot of shoddy looping because I wasn’t playing directly to a metronome.

Although it was low quality, I wanted to see what I could do with it (make due with what you’ve got). I called it gauche because it wasn’t right/correct/perfect. What I mean is that I’ve accepted that the piece was odd, warped, not polished in a hi-fi way. Ironically, I did use effects like Vinyl and a few delays but it is what it is.

I honestly planned on releasing it as a single back in like 2018 but I forgot what I had titled the track and then had a few Studio One issues so I didn’t revisit it until this year when I went through dozens of songs to see if I could release them.